Vein Disease Reaching Epidemic Proportions
Most of us are aware of the exploding rates of autism, cancer and diabetes in the United States, but the scourge of Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) never makes the headlines.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reports that 50% of Americans over age 50 have a vein disorder. They also reported 40-45% of U.S. men and 50-55% of U.S. women have venous insufficiency.
High rates of obesity are a contributing factor along with diabetes, pregnancy, standing or sitting all day and the one we can't avoid -- heredity.
Years ago people with bulging leg veins and the burning, itching and heaviness that comes along with them would be stuck with painful legs for life. Now, thanks to innovations in treatments for Chronic Venous Insufficiency, numerous minimally invasive treatment options are available. Most of these are covered by Medicare and insurance.
Anyone in Chicago, Northern Illinois or Northwest Indiana suffering from painful leg veins needs to visit Top Clinic Chicago for education about venous ulcer and varicose vein treatment options. Featuring video interviews with the best Vein Specialists and the patients they've helped, Top Clinic Chicago is an invaluable tool in the battle to defeat Chronic Venous Insufficiency.
The stats you are showing is quite correct, too many people are suffering from the varicose veins pain. Visiting the vein center at early stages is always the best thing to do.